
Remember to check your bank statements and credit card statements...

Unfortunately accompanying the growth of the electronic shopping era and electronic banking, is growth of fraud. And with many of us receiving online statements for our credit cards and bank statements it's easy not to review the statement each month. But be cautioned...check them.  I did this morning and found $2250.00 on my credit card statement in fraudulent charges-apparently unbeknownst to me I went on a computer buying spree!

I was surprised that when I reported the charges to the credit card company they didn't automatically cancel my credit card and re-issue a new number, I had to request it.  So be sure if fraud happens to you cancel that account and set-up a new one-you know the thieves have your information, why leave a door open for them?

And when you get that email for your monthly credit card or bank statement-take the minute or two it takes to open and save it-it might save you from a nasty surprise later on!

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